The Menagerie Wiki

Judge Martindale is a male human working as a judge for trials set up by SNAPA.


Martindale is described as long and skinny, with a long nose, long skinny neck, and "even skinnier legs". His skin is slightly sunburned.[1] He was described as "flamingo-looking", with a long neck[2].


Dragon on Trial[]

Martindale served as the judge for Scratch's trial.[3]


Sutherland, Tui T, and Kari Sutherland. The Menagerie. HarperCollins Children's Books, 2013

Sutherland, Tui T, and Kari Sutherland. Dragon on Trial. HarperCollins Children's Books, 2014

Sutherland, Tui T, and Kari Sutherland. Krakens and Lies. HarperCollins Children's Books, 2015

  1. Dragon on Trial (page 231)
  2. Dragon on Trial (page 254)
  3. Dragon on Trial (page 254)