The Menagerie Wiki

This is a timeline used to set the events of The Menagerie trilogy in order. The present of this book series is determined by the release year of the first book, 2013, since the books give no exact date but appear to match the culture of that year. Keep in mind that many of the events listed are approximate.

1,500 Years Ago (513 AD)[]

Births: Nero[1] Deaths: Nero[2]

1,000 Years Ago (1013 AD)[]

Births: Nero[3] Deaths: Nero[4]

742 to 719 Years Ago (1271 AD to 1294 AD)[]

Deaths: Kublai Khan[5] Events: One of the first Menageries is founded by Kublai Khan. Other Menageries are formed at this time.[6]

500 Years Ago (1345 AD)[]

Births: Nero[7] Deaths: Nero[8]

583 to 492 Years Ago (1428 AD to 1521 AD)[]

Events: The Aztec Empire forms[9] and maintains their Menageries.[10]

409 Years Ago (1600)[]

Events: The Royal Society of Species Preservation is founded, and forces all Menageries to remain secret. All keepers of Menageries must have a license.[11]

400 Years Ago (1609)[]

Births: Basil[12]

169 to 90 Years Ago (1844 to 1923)[]

Events: The Ottoman Empire forms[13] and maintains their Menageries.[14]

18 Years Ago (1995)[]

Births: Jonathan Sterling, Nero[15], Ruby Kahn Deaths: Nero[16]

13 Years Ago (2000)[]

Births: Bryson Polo[17], Geoff Landers[18], Matthew Kahn[19]

12 Years Ago (2001)[]

Births: Blue Merevy[20], Keiko Kahn[21], Logan Wilde[22], Marco Jimenez[23], Walter Barnes[24], Zoe Kahn[25]

8 Years Ago (2004)[]

Events: Zoe and Jasmin write The Secret Books of Wonderland together.[26]

6 Months Ago[]

Events: Jonathan attempts to steal one of the Menagerie's jackalopes with the aid of Ruby. He is caught, and SNAPA orders the Kahns to dose all of the Sterlings. Zoe and Jasmin stop being friends because of this. Ruby does not dose Jonathan.[27]

While on her way to the Wyoming Menagerie with Xiang, Abigail Hardy is intercepted by Arnold Sterling, who captures her and Xiang.[28] Jackson Wilde and Logan Wilde are sent a fake divorce letter.[29]

4 Months Ago[]

Births: Clink, Clonk, Flurp, Sage, Squorp, Yump

Present (2013, Day 1)[]

Books: The Menagerie Births: Nero[30] Deaths: Nero[31] Events: The Wyoming Menagerie's griffin cubs escape. Zoe, Blue, and Keiko search for them, meeting Logan, who also aids them. They search the library and find Flurp. Matthew, Holly, and Robert catch Clink at the bank and bring her back. Logan sleeps over at the Kahn's house.[32]

Present (2013, Day 2)[]

Books: The Menagerie Events: Zoe, Blue, and Logan search for the missing griffin cubs. Logan is nearly drowned by Silverina, but is saved by the Menagerie's kraken and Captain Fuzzbutt. While searching for griffins, the three see Sameera Lahiri talking to Mr. Claverhill about the missing griffins. The three retrieve Clonk from the toy store, and find Yump under a picnic table.[33]

More coming soon...


Sutherland, Tui T, and Kari Sutherland. The Menagerie. HarperCollins Children's Books, 2013

Sutherland, Tui T, and Kari Sutherland. Dragon on Trial. HarperCollins Children's Books, 2014

Sutherland, Tui T, and Kari Sutherland. Krakens and Lies. HarperCollins Children's Books, 2015

  1. The Menagerie (page 77)
  2. The Menagerie (page 77)
  3. The Menagerie (page 77)
  4. The Menagerie (page 77)
  6. The Menagerie (page 69)
  7. The Menagerie (page 77)
  8. The Menagerie (page 77)
  10. The Menagerie (page 69)
  11. The Menagerie (pages 69-70)
  12. Dragon on Trial (page 50)
  14. The Menagerie (page 69)
  15. The Menagerie (page 77)
  16. The Menagerie (page 77)
  17. Krakens and Lies (page 337)
  18. Krakens and Lies (page 337)
  19. Krakens and Lies (page 337)
  20. The Menagerie (page 5)
  21. The Menagerie (page 5)
  22. The Menagerie (page 5)
  23. The Menagerie (page 5)
  24. The Menagerie (page 5)
  25. The Menagerie (page 5)
  26. Krakens and Lies (page 71)
  27. Krakens and Lies (page 20)
  28. Krakens and Lies (page 258)
  29. The Menagerie (page 16)
  30. The Menagerie (page 136)
  31. The Menagerie (page 74)
  32. The Menagerie (pages 1-148)
  33. The Menagerie (pages 149-206)